Guest Blog: Finding the Bright Side by Staying Positive


Guest Blog: Finding the Bright Side by Staying Positive

This article was written by Noreen Wise, who is the founder of Gallant Gold Media, an ESGmark® community member. Gallant Gold Media is an organisation committed to wider education about the causes of climate change and actions we can take to stop it through campaigning and through media. The organisation is currently based in Washington DC, North America. Learn more here

During times of great crises, most of us are aware of how important it is to maintain a positive attitude, despite all the trials and tribulations. That successfully making it through difficult times, is a matter of viewing everything from the “glass half full” perspective, which is the simple process of appreciating the 50 percent that’s in the glass.

Deciding to use the positive lens to process the glass at 50 percent capacity, enables us to focus on the benefits of what we have, while letting go of what’s missing. This is a pretty awesome experience, filled with many unexpected surprises and new opportunities, when we choose to venture down this path. It’s a game of focusing on and appreciating the tangibles at our immediate disposal, and deciding to maximize them.

With so much concern and upheaval, layered on top of a traumatic health crisis that spans the globe, which impacts every single life on earth in some way, it’s hard not to feel completely overwhelmed and helpless, though. Many of our livelihoods have been uprooted and are now unstable. We were forced to abruptly move in new directions and master the challenges. That’s easier to strategize about but much harder to execute effectively, especially now that we’re experiencing a global recession. So, what are the steps to maintaining a positive attitude through all the difficulties?

One day at a time, for starters. The following are a few simple tips that I learned the hard way — twenty-five years of surviving traumatic events. I often wonder if I hold the world record for how many life-altering extreme crises a human can overcome. I keep following this same procedure though, so it must be of value. I’m hopeful it will be beneficial to others.

Starting the morning on the right foot. Eating right is essential for positivity. I begin each day with 1/4 cup of organic, raw sunflower seed kernels. It’s the ultimate happiness boost. Sunflower seeds contain tryptophan, which triggers the release of serotonin, the happiness chemical. Once done, it’s ten times easier to find the bright side. And believe it or not, 4 squares of dark chocolate also release serotonin. So, I consider dark chocolate and sunflower kernels to be positivity vitamins. Absolutely essential. In fact, I eat them at the same time that I take my daily vitamins.

Getting a good night’s sleep. Deep sleep is very important. Eye shields that block all light, are the easiest way to achieve deep sleep, 6-8 hours being the optimum. I typically get 6.5 – 7 hours. It seems as though deep sleep is the equivalent of concentrated sleep. Quality verses quantity. Not only does deep sleep keep us cheerful, it also strengthens our immune system, which is a huge advantage during a global pandemic.

Exercise. A daily workout routine clears the mind, channels most frustrations and fills us with mood boosting endorphins along with dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. If we run or exercise on wooded trails, which I do, nature also triggers the release of serotonin so we get a double dose. Who doesn’t want that?

Follow advice. When all the key experts say the same thing, and data highlights the validity, as well as our common sense, we simply must do it. In this case, wear a mask and socially distance. With the concept being so easy to grasp, why are so many in the United States not following through? It’s quite bizarre. Probably because it’s difficult. Somewhere in our subconscious we might feel frustrated that this is being forced upon us and some choose to rebel.

Two sides of the coin. I admit, I’m a very healthy person with a strong immune system and feel that I’ll likely not catch covid, although I might somehow become an asymptomatic carrier. I’ve convinced myself that if I stay away from everyone, and wear a mask, all will be okay. I run on nearby trails and am very careful to leave a 6 foot gap between anyone I pass. However, while running today, with my mask lowered on my chin because there was no one around, a tiny gnat flew into my mouth. I quickly conjured up a mental image of the little critter flying along the trail, touching every person it passed and now it was in my throat. I was horrified. From now on, I’ll keep my mask covering my mouth when I run.

Nature and sunlight. Surrounding myself with nature, especially lots of trees, flowers, green meadows, and sunlight, elevates my spirit every time, without fail. Beautiful trails and lots of sunshine, also triggers the release of positive and healthy chemicals, making it ten times easier to find the positive side of a situation instead of the negative.

Going through this short list every single day — great night’s sleep, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate, exercise, nature and sunlight, follow updated advice — creates a daily routine that becomes habit, and results in much needed stability. Executing these small details, transforms how we view each day’s task. I keep finding more positives, more pluses, since every week something new seems to pop up unexpectedly. And because I become so busy with pursuing new opportunities and ideas, there’s no time to think about the negatives. Our brains can only process one thought at a time. So, you wake up one morning and realize you’re in a whole new world and it’s a wonderful and exciting place to be.