Positive Climate News Stories: 2024 roundup
Positive Climate News Stories: 2024 roundup
8 January 2025
In the world of climate action, it’s crucial not only to understand the challenges we face but also to reflect on the progress being made towards a more sustainable future.
From important new research to impactful policy initiatives, here are some positive news stories from 2024 to inspire us all to face the new year with renewed focus on driving sustainability and climate action:
UK becomes first major economy to phase out coal power
Following a century of reliance on the fossil fuel coal for electricity generation, the UK shut down its last remaining coal-fired power station in September 2024. This marks a major milestone in the UK’s journey towards a green economy - a transition that has already led to UK power sector emissions falling by three-quarters since 2012.
Wind and solar energy overtakes fossil fuels in EU
In the first half of 2024, wind and solar overtook energy generated from fossil fuels in the EU for the first time. Think tank Ember found that the share of EU electricity generated from wind and solar reached 30% compared with 27% from fossil fuels. Power generated in the EU from burning coal and gas dropped by 17% compared with the same time period in 2023.
UK Supreme Court makes landmark decision on fossil fuel emissions
The UK Supreme Court decided in June that downstream greenhouse gas emissions, known as Scope 3 emissions, should have been considered before approving a proposed oil production project in Surrey. The environmental impact assessment conducted for the project did not account for combustion emissions, which would be inevitable from using the oil, leading to the Supreme Court overturning the project’s approval. This decision could have implications for future fossil fuel projects, making it harder for planning permission to be granted without assessing the downstream impacts.
EU ministers pass Nature Restoration Law
In June, The European Council passed long-awaited legislation to restore at least 20% of Europe’s land and sea by 2030 and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. The Nature Restoration Law, which came into force in August 2024, sets legally binding targets and obligations to restore degraded ecosystems, mitigate climate change and the effects of natural disasters, and enhance food security. With 81% of European habitats in poor shape, this is a big win for biodiversity.
Survey finds 80% reduction in plastic bags on UK beaches
Data collected by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) showed that since plastic bag charges were introduced in 2011, the number of carrier bags found on UK beaches has dropped by 80%. This progress highlights the fact that policy action can be incredibly effective and makes the case for further action to reduce single-use items.
Coral reef restoration can help ‘full recovery’ of reefs within four years
A study published in March found that coral reefs that have undergone restoration can recover at amazing rates. Most of the world’s coral reefs are under threat or damaged, mainly due to climate change and direct human activity. However, the findings of the study are encouraging, showing an incredible speed of recovery for restored reefs that were previously damaged by blast fishing.
World’s most effective climate policies revealed
A study published in August looking at climate policies implemented over the past 25 years highlighted those with the greatest impact on curbing emissions. Out of 1,500 policies observed from around the world, researchers identified 63 key successes. This included a 2013 UK policy that imposed a minimum cost for carbon emissions, which incentivised investment in renewables. The researchers concluded that focusing on these 63 cases of effective climate policies would significantly contribute to closing the emissions gap needed to meet the Paris Targets.
Read more
European Commission (2024). The EU #NatureRestoration Law. [online] European Commission. Available at: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/nature-and-biodiversity/nature-restoration-law_en.
European Council (2024). Nature restoration law: Council gives final green light. [online] European Council. Available at: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2024/06/17/nature-restoration-law-council-gives-final-green-light/.
Friends of the Earth (2024). Supreme Court judgment on Horse Hill oil. [online] Friends of the Earth. Available at: https://friendsoftheearth.uk/climate/supreme-court-judgment-horse-hill-oil.
Fulghum, N. and Graham, E. (2024). Wind and solar overtake EU fossil fuels in the first half of 2024 | Ember. [online] Ember. Available at: https://ember-energy.org/latest-insights/eu-wind-and-solar-overtake-fossil-fuels/.
Haines, G. (2024a). What went right this week: ready-to-go climate solutions, plus more. [online] Positive News. Available at: https://www.positive.news/society/good-news-stories-from-week-39-of-2024/.
Haines, G. (2024b). What went right this week: the day the UK quit coal, plus more. [online] Positive News. Available at: https://www.positive.news/society/good-news-stories-from-week-40-of-2024/.
Jaynes, C.H. (2024). Coral Reef Restoration Can Help Provide ‘Full Recovery’ Within Four Years, Study Finds. [online] EcoWatch. Available at: https://www.ecowatch.com/coral-reef-restoration-recovery-timeline.html.
Marine Conservation Society (2024). Campaign win: 80% drop in carrier bags on UK beaches. [online] Marine Conservation Society. Available at: https://www.mcsuk.org/news/campaign-win-80-drop-in-carrier-bags-on-uk-beaches/.
Mittal, S. (2024). UK becomes first G7 nation to phase out coal power. [online] edie. Available at: https://www.edie.net/uk-set-to-become-first-g7-nation-to-phase-out-coal-power/.
ScienceDaily (2024). Good news for coral reef restoration efforts: Study finds ‘full recovery’ of reef growth within four years. [online] ScienceDaily. Available at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240308123248.htm.
University of Oxford (2024). Effectiveness of 1,500 global climate policies ranked for first time | University of Oxford. [online] University of Oxford. Available at: https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2024-08-23-effectiveness-1500-global-climate-policies-ranked-first-time.
WWF (2024). Historic win for EU’s nature: EU Council seals the deal on Nature Restoration Law. [online] WWF. Available at: https://www.wwf.eu/?14108441/Historic-win-for-EUs-nature-EU-Council-seals-the-deal-on-Nature-Restoration-Law.