MGI Midgley Snelling LLP




MGI Midgley Snelling LLP

MGI Midgley Snelling LLP provides chartered accountancy services to both businesses and individuals and has done so since we were founded in 1925.

Our approach is to give our clients the level of service and expertise of a large organisation, with the approachability and personal touch that you would expect from a mid-size firm.

We are a founding member of MGI Worldwide, an international network of independent accounting firms. This membership allows us to provide our clients with a seamless international service if they are looking for support abroad.

Our commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with our decision to join the ESGmark® community, reflecting our support for the United Nations’ goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Our initiatives, including transitioning to a paperless system, installing a filtered water tap, and implementing a comprehensive recycling programme, demonstrate our dedication to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives. Joining the ESGmark® community underscores our commitment to making a positive impact on both the planet and society.
— Sarah Squires, Partner