Natural Transition




Natural Transition

The Woodland Burial Company was formed in 2017 in England. We provide natural woodland burials in a beautiful woodland in Derbyshire.

It was the first venture launched by the Faunus group – set up to specialise in producing environmentally beneficial, socially responsible projects and developing green industry.

We discovered early on that cremated remains are bad for the environment. They can be damaging to both soil and water and hence harmful to plants and animals. But we found very little research on the topic.

We found a US based company (Verde Products Inc) who came to the same realisation many years before. In collaboration with a leading body of US scientists, they had led extensive research and development to create a natural organic soil blend to mitigate this problem.

This soil blend when mixed with cremated remains reduces the high levels of sodium and pH levels, releasing nutrients that allow plant life to flourish.

In the US this product is successfully sold by our partners Let Your Love grow inc. In the UK it has been developed to suit our own climatic conditions and become the Return to Nature soil blend that has been on sale in the UK since 2018.

We are keen to educate our sector and individuals about the harmful impact of cremated remains, and even traditional burial. Return to Nature is the only scientifically proven solution currently available. Our soil blend originated from the US after years of research from leading soil and decomposition scientists.
— Simon holden, ceo